Gallery: October All of Us: Eating & Living Healthy Speaker Series

Event Recap:
Tucson Chinese Cultural Center (TCCC) held an event themed ‘Eating and Living healthy Asian style’ on Tuesday Oct. 25, 2022. The program aimed to raise awareness of the All of Us Research Program, and highlight the importance of Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) for the program. About 70 people, around one third of which were Asians, participated in the event.
Executive director of TCCC, Susan Chan, gave a brief introduction of the All of Us Research Program. She pointed out that diversity is the key to the success of the program and encouraged everyone to sign up and to help develop precision medicine for all. After that, Dr. Howard Eng, a retired associate professor at College of Public Health of University of Arizona, talked about healthy lifestyles and practices. He gave research-based suggestions for people to live healthily, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet. Next came TCCC’s Taichi instructor Ms. Shuping Zhao, who performed a set of Taichi Quan and then led the entire audience to practice it! Then, Ms. Nancy Tom, a past board member of Mission Garden came to introduce the Chinese vegetables and trees grown in the garden. The Mission Garden is a heritage garden where TCCC has 3,000 sqft to grow Chinese vegetables and fruits throughout the year. In addition, she and her colleagues displayed a variety of vegetables; and brought some to share with the audience! In the end, Chef Barry Infuso, a retired instructor in nutrition at Pima community college in Tucson, demonstrated the cooking of chicken corn soup. The delicious soup was then served as lunch for every participant.
The audience spoke highly of the event. Not only did they learn about the All of Us Program, but also, they learned so much about Asian lifestyles. They look forward to the next event!